Monkey Vibe 16-pack, 8cm


89 kr

Monkey Vibe is a new finesse softbait developed by Kanalgratis designer Edvin Johansson!

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Was ist das?

What is unique with this bait except the cool bodyshape is that is can be fished effectively with many different methods. It can be fished with a classic jig head in size 1/0.  But it can also be fished with the really effective way - dropshot. To learn how to fish dropshot and tie your own, you can watch this video.

It moves extremely nice when fishing it on a drop shot rig and even with the slightest twitch with the rod it gets a worm-like movement in the water thanks to the ribbed body. When you are retrieving it through the water the tail will have a nice paddling action, which also makes it possible to fish it with a jigghead just as well as with a drop shot rig!

A perfect bait to keep as a secret weapon on the days when nothing else seems to be working and the perch are inactive and not in the mood to strike!

Usually the perch eat small fish/fry, but in some waters they eat crawfish or worm-like animals. In these waters the Monkey Vibe will work particularly good!

The Monkey Vibe 8 cm has a tiny weight of 2,8gr.

10cm has a weight of 4,6gr.

Weight 1-5 gr
Köderlänge 8-10 cm
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