Guppie Jr 11 cm, 57,5 g Hot Pike Custom Colors by Kanalgratis



One of the first things people notice about the Guppie is the artwork. A real Pike snack!

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Was ist das?

One of the first things people notice about the Guppie is the artwork. The paint schemes incorporate using paint or glitter on the INSIDE shell of the bait, in addition to painting on the outside. This mimics the technique Mr Peterson uses on his wood baits, layering paint between topcoats for a 3-D effect. It also prolongs the color of the bait fish after fish. Strike Pro has even replicated the signature 3-D eyes that TrueGlide lures are famous for.

In addition to the obvious good looks, the Guppie incorporates some unique design features that make it a top fish producer. The Guppie’s compact shape ensures that hook coverage is always maximized. While the convex body shaping from the top to the belly exposes the hook points for better hook sets. The body profiling also adds extra flash and belly roll. The tail types adds an extra dimension. The Guppie features an innovative spring screw at the tail of the bait. Change the dynamics of the bait simply by screwing on or off one of the optional tail types.

Guppie Jr - 11 cm, 57,5gr

Köderlänge 11-12 cm
Weight 61-80 gr
