Drop Shot Perch Fishing kit (Tie It Yourself)

  • Trilene® 100% Fluorocarbon Leader, 50m, 0,28mm (price: $9.93)
  • Mosquito hook Drop shot, 1/0, 7-pack (price: $3.91)
  • Berkley Fusion19 Drop Shot Hooks, #1, 8-pack (price: $7.92)
  • Spro Lead Drop Shot sinker, 10,5gr 4-pack (price: $3.91)
  • Monkey Vibe 10cm, Pumpkin (price: $8.92)
  • Monkey Fry 7cm, Kiwi (price: $7.92)
  • Eddie Spaghetti 10 cm, Slug Worm (price: $8.92)
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We have the perfect drop shot rig-kit! With the right fluorocarbon, hooks, weights and great lures you will get the fish you're looking for! We have it all in one pack!

This purchase will pay 938 fishcoins now!
What is this?

This pack is a great start for you who wants to drop shot fish, among others, perch, bass or zander.

Click here to see how to rig a drop shot rig!

Bundle includes everything you need to tie it yourself! Some of our favorite lures also includes in this kit.

Choose species: Perch
