Sale Perch Casting Combo

  • Saxa Shade - "The Perch Editon" Baitcast 7'3'' - 5-21gr (Preis: €130,88)
  • Shimano SLX DC baitcasting reel, 151 HG Left Hand (Preis: €192,52)
  • Daiwa J-Braid X4 135m Yellow , 0,10mm (Preis: €10,42)


Dieser Kauf bringt dir 7 038 Fishcoins
Was ist das?

High-end perch rod by Saxa! Saxa Shade 7’3’’ 5-21 g is designed for perch fishing with wobblers, blades and softbaits. It is truly a lightweight and sensitve rod. Together with Shimano SLX DC baitcasting reel, 151 HG Left Hand , which is design for effortless casting!

Line: Daiwa J-Braid X4 135m Yellow, 0,10mm. 
