#LMAB KÖFI Roach 7 cm Sunrise


69 kr(89 kr)

Ideal for catching perch!

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What is this?

Our KØFI (Köfi), which goes by the euphonious name ""roach"", is one of the shads. Here, too, we focused on the plate tail and wanted to guarantee optimal running behavior and a lot of pressure under water. The characteristic red, eye-catching eyes provide additional visual appeal. The soft, UV-active and slightly vibrating fins, together with the structural surface of the rubber fish, which are intended to imitate the scales, round off the bait perfectly.

Bark weight (g): 3
Lure length (cm): 7
Package content: 5
Matching jig head: #2
Softbait Type: Shad"

Length 6-7 cm
Weight 1-5 gr

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Ideal for catching perch!
