Miuras Mouse - 23 cm, 95 gr



Famous from FLY VS JERK, the Miuras Mouse by Strike Pro is one of the hottest news of 2019.

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What is this?

Miuras Mouse was designed by an Italian lure builder named Maurizio Carini and it's been on the market for several years with an extreme amount of big pike on its record.

After the victory in FLY VS JERK 10 for Stefan Trumstedt and Pierre Monjarret, who caught a 127 cm/13,88 kg and a 114 cm/10,6 kg pike on the Miuras Mouse in the final episode which gave them the victory, the interest in this lure has exploded. And that for a good reason - it's a true big fish magnet.

The big profile combined with the flat "nose" in the front which pushes a lot of water, and the twin tail that moves in all speeds, this is the perfect snack for a big pike looking for an easy meal. Can be fished extremely slowly. It's slowly sinking and you can fish is very shallow, but you can also attach a Fastach sinker in the nose and fish it on any depth you want. A must-have lure for all serious pike anglers!

23 cm, 95 gr. 

Mouse and service

I ordered the Ice Cream and somehow managed to order it twice. But through Instagram i got emmediate help and the correct order is on its Way. Have a friend who testet the mouse and got many strikes and two fish, really aggressive bites. Perfect for shallow bays and along drops. Easy to fish, and does not tangle. Awesome bait


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Strike Pro

Famous from FLY VS JERK, the Miuras Mouse by Strike Pro is one of the hottest news of 2019...
