Owner J Hook Offset

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The perfect offset hook for rigging soft plastic lures, especially when using Carolina and Texas rig. Available in size 1, 2/0, 3/0 and 4/0.

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What is this?

Owner J Hook Light (red) here!

The Owner J Hook Offset is an offset hook with a wide hook gap for excellent hooking performance that also makes it possible to fish in weeds. Perfect to use on a Carolina or Texas rig. The 2/0 and 3/0 works well together with the McRubber Bass, Swim Fish, Swimmin' Ribster and lures in similar sizes while size 1 is perfect for the 7,5 cm Ribster and other small jigs. Size 4/0 is perfect for the Boogie Craw, C'eel Worm, V2iB Softbait and the 11,5 cm Ribster.

Click here to see video on how to rig and use the Texas Rig and Carolina Rig!

Available in size 1, 2/0, 3/0 and 4/0.  Size 1 and 2/0 comes in 6 pack, size 3/0 and 4/0 comes in 5 pack. 

Hook type Offset hooks
